Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Free Great New Items Added to Platinum Package!

Let's face it. Times are tough right now. I just added a couple of great NEW items to our Platinum Wedding Photography package at no extra cost to you. I'm really excited to be working with Jim Leung and we are now including a DVD slide show with 100 of your beautiful wedding day images set to music that you can watch on your television with your family and friends AND a web version of the same slide show with a private link that you can email to anyone that you would like to. This is a $350.00 value for FREE! I take about 1200+ pictures on your wedding day and then edit that amount down to around 800 final, professionally post processed images. I take so many pictures because I don't want to miss a thing on your wedding day. I want to capture the emotional moments of your special day and for you to feel those same wonderful emotions every time you look at your wedding day pictures.
When it comes to wedding photography, you really do get what you pay for, and there is no way to do a re-shoot if you are not happy with your pictures.