Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Free Great New Items Added to Platinum Package!

Let's face it. Times are tough right now. I just added a couple of great NEW items to our Platinum Wedding Photography package at no extra cost to you. I'm really excited to be working with Jim Leung and we are now including a DVD slide show with 100 of your beautiful wedding day images set to music that you can watch on your television with your family and friends AND a web version of the same slide show with a private link that you can email to anyone that you would like to. This is a $350.00 value for FREE! I take about 1200+ pictures on your wedding day and then edit that amount down to around 800 final, professionally post processed images. I take so many pictures because I don't want to miss a thing on your wedding day. I want to capture the emotional moments of your special day and for you to feel those same wonderful emotions every time you look at your wedding day pictures.
When it comes to wedding photography, you really do get what you pay for, and there is no way to do a re-shoot if you are not happy with your pictures.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ted and Jenn's Wedding

Ted and Jenn's wedding was held at the beautiful Pulgas Water Temple followed by a reception at Mezza Luna restaurant. Here are a few of the images from the special day. Doesn't Jenn look stunning!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Jason and Amie's Beach Wedding

Here are some of the pictures from Jason and Amie's Sand City beach wedding on September 14th. The bonfire "after party" was so much fun! Everyone made S'mores and drank hot chocolate. It's wonderful to see a couple that are so much in love get married!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What does an "album credit" really mean?

You may have noticed that in a lot of photographer's package/price lists (including mine for 2009 weddings), there is a dollar amount for a wedding album credit. What does this mean? It means that you may apply that amount of money towards the wedding album of your choice. I'll give you an example from my own package list. If you order the eight hour Platinum package, you will receive a $900.00 album credit. One of the albums that I currently offer is a 20 page, beautiful, custom designed, flush mount, engraved wedding album. This album sells for $950.00. With your $900.00 album credit, you will only pay $50.00 for this beautiful wedding album. You get to select the pictures that go into the album, then I design it. I then post it to a website where you can look at the album in it's entirety and decide if you would like to have any changes made to it, or you can give the OK to go ahead and approve it and it goes to press. If you find that you have any more questions about album credits, shoot me an email or give me a call at (925) 625-1123 and I'll be happy to give you more information.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jose and Kim's Sneak Peak Pictures

Here are a few of the pictures from Jose and Kim's wedding at the beautiful Wedgewood facility at the San Ramon golf course. The ceremony was done in both Spanish and English. The flowers were gorgeous, the food was delicious and everyone had a great time!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nicholus and Wendy's Wedding Day Pictures

Here are just a few of the over 800 pictures from Nich and Wendy's July 25th wedding. I usually take about 1200-1400 pictures at each wedding and then cull them down to a more manageable 800 or so. I hope that you enjoy this sneak peek at some of the great images captured that day!